The Patent Pending X-Lock should be a component of all comprehensive vehicle recovery kits. Whether or not you have a complete Safe-Xtract recovery system or any of the other components of Safe-Xtract vehicle recovery kits, the X-lock is an incredibly useful and nearly indestructible piece of hardware, machined in the USA out of a single block of high-strength corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy.
Safe-Xtract X-Lock Design
Its design was initially born from the understanding of the fact that a winch only pulls at its rated capacity on the first layer. While one of the more common uses allows the user to shorten a Synthetic Winch Line or Winch Line Extension in a single line pull (or even double line pull), it can do much more!
At a minimum, you will want to have some additional equipment to maximize your effectiveness. Specifically, you will want a pulley block and some soft shackles.
Common Uses for the X-Lock
This unique piece of recovery gear has a ton of different uses which include all these capabilities and more.
Bridle Configurations
A V-Bridal recovery configuration is used when it is necessary to distribute loads by using two anchor points instead of one. The X-Lock can be used to attach a winch line to another line that has each end serving as an anchor. No other component on the market offers this capability.
Joining Winch Lines (and Winch Line Extensions) and Safety Lanyards
The X-lock allows two or more synthetic lines with eyes to be safely connected. This recovery technique is most useful in complex recoveries where several winches from different angles may be required or doing a re-direct.
It can also be used to shorten winch lines (and/or winch line extension) between the winch and the anchor point, thereby allowing the winch to begin pulling on its first layer where it has a maximum capacity.
Manually Belaying a Vehicle
Using a Winch Line Extension and Pulley Block in conjunction with the X-Lock, a user can manually lower / belay an object [vehicle] down a slope in a controlled manner. Should a vehicle have to descend a very steep slippery slope, controlling the descent with a belay is appropriate. No other vehicle recovery kit component by any other company offers this feature.
You can even use this method for self-recovery to safely lower your vehicle down a slope if you have a good anchor–though you will want to practice this ahead of time whenever you perform your routine trail training.
Technical Specifications
There are three different models (all made in the USA), each with a different working load limit (WLL) which are etched into the front of the X-Lock:
- SX-8000H: 8,000-pound (WLL), lines up to 1/4-inch diameter
- SX-20000H: 20,000-pound (WLL), lines up to 1/2-inch diameter
- SX-40000H: 40,000-pound (WLL), lines up to 3/4-inch diameter
MILITARY TESTED: Hundreds of Safe-Xtract X-Locks are currently in service with US Army Special Forces Groups, and this design has been incorporated as a US Military Vehicle Program of Record component in the Ground Mobility Program.
Do not use the X-Lock with a covered or sleeved synthetic line, or with a metal/wire cable. Coated or uncoated synthetic lines are fine.
Safe-Xtract Vehicle Recovery System
The Safe-Xtract Recovery App (Android and Apple iOS versions available) and the Safe-Xtract Vehicle Recovery Training Program work with this device. Before field usage of any recovery equipment, including winch applications, users should be professionally trained – visit for more information.